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ITAérea in the first position of the ranking of specialized masters of El Mundo


The newspaper El Mundo has awarded ITAérea the recognition as the best business school in 2023-2024 in the category of specialized masters in airport and aeronautical management for the fifth year in a row.

This year, the certification of the Máster Oficial en Gestión y Dirección Aeroportuaria y Aeronáutica MGDA en modalidad executive presencial by the madri+d Foundation of the Government of the Community of Madrid has had a special weight in the recognition.

This ranking is based on the analysis of the following 25 criteria:

  • As for the demand for the master’s degree.
    • 1. Year of foundation.
    • 2. Places offered.
    • 3. Requested places.
    • 4. Collaborating entities.
    • 5. Quality / price ratio.
    • 6. Student selection criteria.
    • 7. Director.
    • 8. Number of offices and location.
  • As for the Human Resources.
    • 9. Number and prestige of the teaching staff.
    • 10. Innovation in teaching quality and methodology.
    • 11. Tutorial attention.
    • 12. Foreign students enrolled.
  • As for the curriculum.
    • 13. Academic program.
    • 14. Percentage of theory and practice.
    • 15. Practical credits in companies.
    • 16. Practices managed from the master’s degree.
  • As for the results.
    • 17. Dropout rate.
    • 18. Success rate.
    • 19. Evaluation of the students.
    • 20. Mentions received nationally and internationally from the business community.
    • 21. Job placement rate of students after the completion of the master’s degree, in the six months following its completion.
    • 22. Companies that hire a greater number of students.
    • 23. Operation of the job bank (if it exists)
  • As for the material means.
    • 24. Use of new technologies.
    • 25. Laboratories and specialized spaces.


As a consequence, in addition to these criteria, the ranking includes a list of 50 specialties and the five best entities in which they are taught, with ITAérea occupying the first position in the category of specialized masters in airport and aeronautical management.

One of the foundations and main reason for existence of ITAérea Aeronautical Business School is its specialization in the air transport industry or business, which marks a counterpoint to those first-line generalist schools.

The idiosyncrasy, objectives and values ​​of the ITAérea Aeronautical Business School are strengthened by its solid implantation in Latin America, the encouraging growth figures of students per year from 2015 to the present date; as well as the fact that the School’s teaching staff is made up of general directors, CEOs or division heads of the aeronautical and airport sector. This circumstance allows our students to be linked and directly access the airline sector, having acquired first-rate training thanks to the practical experience of our teachers.

Particularly, this year, the certification of the Máster Oficial en Gestión y Dirección Aeroportuaria y Aeronáutica MGDA en modalidad executive presencial by the madri+d Foundation of the Government of the Community of Madrid has had a special weight in the recognition.

The madri+d Foundation is an initiative of the Government of the Community of Madrid created in 2002 to manage the Regional Plan for Scientific Research and Technological Innovation. In 2014, it was designated as the competent body for the evaluation of the Madrid University System in order to guarantee the quality of the training programs of the universities in the community of Madrid.

The recognition procedure used is the so-called Qualificam: CUALIFICAM is the Procedure of the Madrimasd Knowledge Foundation to certify the Quality of Professional Master’s Programs. Its equivalent in the field of official university Degrees and Masters is the Degree Accreditation Procedure and is carried out under the same quality standards of the European Higher Education Area.

Another hallmark of the ITAérea business school is its technical training, imparted by means of the latest technologies, allowing our students to attend live sessions with teachers and plan their study on the virtual campus.

These are some of the aspects that the newspaper El Mundo has taken into account to grant ITAérea the recognition as the best business school in 2023-2024 in the category of specialized masters in airport and aeronautical management. This ranking, which is in its eighteenth edition, is a useful guide that provides students with an objective comparison of the main business schools in the country, such as: IESE, IE, ESADE, EOI, IESIDE, etc.

At ITAérea Aeronautical Business School we work with a clear objective that has guided our trajectory since the foundation more than a decade ago: to provide our students with the highest quality training through professionals of the highest level. We are in a position to affirm that this objective has always been achieved thanks to the effort and dedication of the extraordinary human team that makes up the School.

For the entire team that makes up the ITAérea Business School this recognition serves as a reminder not only of the trajectory of the School throughout its last ten years but of the School’s roadmap to grow in the future, fulfilling its main objective: training professionals at the highest level.

Some of the most representative postgraduate courses of the ITAérea Business School are:

Máster en Gestión y Dirección Aeroportuaria y Aeronáutica MGDA. Modalidad executive presencial

Máster en Gestión y Dirección Aeroportuaria y Aeronáutica MGDA. Modalidad executive e-learning

Máster Universitario en Gestión y Dirección Aeroportuaria y Aeronáutica MGDA UDIMA. Modalidad e-learning

Máster profesional en Industria e Innovación Aeronáutica MI2A. Modalidad presencial: Sevilla

Master in Sustainable Air Transport Management MATSM. Executive e-learning

Master in Airport and Aeronautical Safety Management MAAS. Executive e-learning


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